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  • 主办单位: ■Managing unite: 西安精创会展有限责任公司 Xi’an Jingchuang Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd.
  • 开始时间:2007-04-26
  • 结束时间:2007-04-28
  • 地 点: 西安国际展览中心(西安雁展路1号
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      ◆ About the expo:
      随着西部大开发战略的实施,我国在今后相当长一段时期内将开始把轨道交通建设重心转向西部地区。按规划 , 在 " 十一五 " 期间,西部铁路大中型项目基建投资预计将达二千亿元左右。而随着西部经济发展 , 西部各大城市地铁、轻轨等轨道交通建热潮初现。发展西部轨道交通,无论从改变西部目前相对落后的交通现状,满足西部地区经济发展的需要,还是从拉动国民经济增长,发展适合我国国情的交通运输体系来看,都具有极其重要的意义。
      As part of the efforts to implement the west development strategy, China will be shifting the center of railway construction to the western region for quite a long time in the future. According to plan, the infrastructure investment in medium to large railway projects in the western region will reach about 200 billion RMB during the 11th “five-year” plan period. As the western economy booms, the construction of subways and light rails etc. is beginning to heat up in major cities of the region. Developing rail transport is of great importance in terms of changing the current relatively backward transport situation of the western region and meeting the requirements of economic development as well as in terms of boosting the national economy growth and developing transport systems suitable to China’s situations.
      西安作为西部的桥头堡,是举世闻名的十三朝古都,西部最发达的政治、经济、交通、科技、文化、教育、商业和物流中心城市,具有巨大的经济辐射能力。目前西安地铁项目正式通过国家批准;随着西安地铁二号线的开工建设,标志千年古城西安也将进入“地铁时代”。西安远期规划将建设6条地铁线总长251.8公里,总投资近500亿元。“2007西部地铁轻轨及铁路建设展览会” 作为了西安地铁建设的配套项目配合西安地铁及西部城市轨道交通和铁路建设。将于2007年4月26–28日在西安国际展览中心举办。
      As a leading city of the western region and famed for being the ancient capital for 13 dynasties, Xi’an is the most advanced city in the region in terms of politics, economy, transportation, science & technology, culture, education, commerce and logistics, with great economic radiating capacity. Now, the metro project of Xi’an has been officially approved by the state. The start of the construction of the No. 2 subway line of Xi’an marks the ancient city with thousands of years’ history entering the “metro era”. According to long-term plan, 6 subway lines with a total length of 251.8 kilometers will be built and the total investment will be close to 50 billion RMB. The 2007 Western China Metro/Light Rail & Railroad Construction Expo, which serves as an auxiliary project for Xi’an metro construction and gears to the construction of western city railway transport, is to be held at Xi’an International Exhibition Center from April 26th to 28th of 2007.

      Under the theme of “Showcasing modern rail transport technologies-building Greater Xi’an Rim”, the expo will be featuring advanced subway, light rail and railway technologies and equipment from home and abroad. Meanwhile, the expo will be offering a perfect showcasing platform for a large number of companies intending to invest in the metro construction in Xi’an. The organizers will invite representatives from the metro construction directing office, metro planning body, railway construction companies and other institutions to share their ideas and discuss relevant issues at the expo.

      Attendance invitation
      So far, about 20 large scale domestic subway companies like China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute as well as 60-plus subway auxiliary equipment companies from home and abroad have confirmed their attendance to the expo. There will be extensive media coverage by more than 40 news agencies. The expo is primarily sponsored by China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Representatives from contracting firms for Xi’an metro project like China Railway Tunnel Reconnaissance Design Institute, First Survey and Design Institute of China Railway, China Railway Electrification Survey Design & Research Institute, The Second Railway Survey and Design Institute and China Railway First Group, etc will be invited to the expo for business talks and visiting. The attendance of numerous enterprises and institutions in the industry is welcome and we look forward to your support. 

      ◆ 日程安排 
      ◆ Schedule
      1. Registration and making arrangements: 8:00-17:00,April 24th-25th, 2007
      2. Exhibition: 9:00-16:00, April 26th-28th, 2007
      3﹑开 幕 式:2007年4月26日   上午 9:30
      3. Opening ceremony: 9:30am, April 26th, 2007
      4﹑撤展时间:2007年4月28日   下午15:00
      4. Closing of exhibition: 15:00, April 28th, 2007

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